Premium Plugins

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Media Manager GDPR

Version 1.0 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
The Media Manager enables the monitoring of all user uploads in the dashboard. A Masonry gallery and a file list with administrative functionalities help administrators to maintain community members uploads. According to the latest European GDPR policies managing uploaded content may become legally inevitable.
  • Overview: Get a clear overview of all uploaded files.
  • Sort and Filter: We drained every byte out of Press to make really speedy.
  • Manage: Delete or overwrite uploads with a default image ("Image removed by Admin").
  • User Information: User name, registration date and the number of posts help you indicate spammy upload attempts.
  • Lightbox Preview
  • Understand: We felt that Media Manager truly improves the understanding of your community.

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Gallery Plus

Version 1.0 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
Gallery Plus adds a great functionality to every forum that relies on image uploads. The addon is displayed in the user profiles and gathers all image uploads in a default "Uploads" folder. Users can freely add, edit and delete folders and upload images to create a personal gallery on their own profile. The functionality leanes towards Facebook photo gallery feature. Additional modules allow the display of the recent image uploads in the forum sidebar or the user profile page.
  • User profile galleries with an easy folder and file management ability.
  • Integrated Modules that allow to display user images in the profile and latest image uploads in the overall forum.
  • A maximum upload size and images per page setting can be defined in the dashboard.
  • Responsive Lightbox functionality to watch images in high-res.

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Search Plus

Version 1.0 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
Search Plus improves Vanillaforums search functionality by adding new fields to filter down search results. Users are enabled to search by category, by post type (discussion or comment), by user name or within a given time frame.

By developing a search before post culture communities become more organized and search engines are more likely to rank "in deep" discussions than small ones of a similar topics.
  • Type: Search only in discussions or comments.
  • Category: Allow search in a specific category of your forum.
  • User: Search only for content created by a certain user (with auto complete)
  • Time Frame: Narrow your search by a start AND/OR an end date.

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Mailchimp Integration

Version 1.0 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
Mailchimp Integration enables you to sign up new forum user to a specific Mailchimp audience (list) on registration. This can be done automatically without the knowledge of the user (for example an onboarding automation) or by active descison through a checkbox field on the forum registration form.

That way you can create a great onboarding experience and keeping them attached to your community or you just sign them up to frequent newsletters of your forum.
  • API-Integration: Simply create your Mailchimp API key and add it in the plugin settings.
  • Define which Mailchimp audience your new users are signed up to.
  • Choose to display sign-up checkbox or not.

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User Data Export GDPR

Version 1.1.1 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
This addon enables users of your community to export their data. This includes all information from the database table GDN_User, the text of their started discussions, comments and conversations messages (GDN_Discussion, GDN_Comment and GDN_ConnversationMessage).

The European GDPR obligates digital media publishers to hand users the stored data upon their request. This addon takes this process into the hands of your users and signalises openness and transparency.
  • Simple export functionality through the user profile.
  • Export includes: profile, discussion, comments and conversations data.

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User Invite Referrer

Version 1.0 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
This plugin encourages growth by allowing users to invite their friends to your community. Invitations can be send through Email or WhatsApp. Users who actively participate in community growth can be awarded through the YAGA gamification extension. We recommend adding more incentives and let your users help you grow your forum.
  • Invitations: Users can send invitations from their user profile through a referrer link.
  • Link-Sharing: The link can easily be shared by Email or WhatsApp.
  • Invitation-Count: Users have avisible invitation count.
  • YAGA-Integration: YAGA rule to get users awarded for new sign ups through their referrer link.

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Always Edit First Comment

Version 1.0 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
Allow users who started a discussion to edit the initial comment forever. The dashboard administration allows you to select in which categories editing of the first post is enabled.

This plugin often becomes helpful in cases where discussions are used in an organizational way. For example when participants of a category named "Forum Events" need to edit the first post of a discussion recurringely to provide updated information in the discussion.
  • No time limits for discussion edits by the author.
  • Setup options for individual categories or/and discussion IDs.

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CSS Minification

Version 1.0 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
This plugin minifies, concatenates and caches all .css stylesheets into a single file to reduce bandwidth usage. This is in line with best SEO practices recommended by Google PageSpeed.

These files are cached indefinitely until the version numbers of installed plugins or themes change. This means, that in most cases, you do not need to do anything, when updating your forum. The plugin will take care of recompiling all assets for you.
  • Improved page speed for better Google Rankings.
  • Less server requests to speed up your forum.

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Discussion Scheduler

Version 1.0 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
Discussions Scheduler allows to define a release date for a new discussion at a future date and time. Supported by a handy date picker you are able to define the date and the category it should be published to.

This function allows community managers and moderators to schedule specific topics, auto-publish recurring discussions or fulfill sponsored posts by advertising clients. While the author and moderators can see the discussion it remains invisible for regular users or defined groups until its release.
  • Date and time picker for easy publishing.
  • A hidden category serves as a vault for scheduled discussions.

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Version 1.0 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
Toplevel domains running Vanillaforums are in danger to be punished with penalties by Gmail and other browser based email services. How is that? Vanillaforums OS sends out notification emails triggered by replies, mentions, wall posts or other user related interactions of your community. Inactive users usually not open those emails or – worse – actively mark them as spam. This leads browser based email providers to weight them as less relevant or fraudulent causing these emails to end up in spam folders as well as re-weighting the relevance of your domain for all users of their service.

Necro Mail Stop allows you to define the number of days inactive users will receive notifications emails.
  • Keep your spam record healthy.
  • We recommend to keep notification emails for inactive user below 60 days.

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Version 1.0 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
Vanillaforums OS comes with the popular "Pockets" plugin which allows you to position free HTML elements on many places of your forums layout. This functionality is great but lacks the flexibility to provide pockets only in certain categories. Pocket category does exactly that. It allows you to place custom images, ads, links or whatever is codeable in relation to a category.

  • Publish pockets based on categories.
  • Ability to choose in which categories the pocket will appear.

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Free Plugins


Version 1.0 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
This plugin simply ads date headers in the discussion list giving a better visual cue of what discussions received its last post on a given day of the week.

Headers like "Today", "Yesterday" and day specific dates are added to the discussion list.
  • Cleaner appearance of the discussion list.
  • Better visual orientation for your users.

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Version 1.1 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
Discussion inserts helps community managers to attach an HTML insert to any discussion. This might be ads, rules for specific discussions, referencing static content for your page or actionable contents (newsletter signup, etc.) of popular discussion.

The plugin allows to create different inserts for mobile and desktop users – for example if you would like to insdert topic sensitive ads with Google Ads. Insert can easily integrated through the discussion drop down "Add insert" in the frontend.
  • Frontend and dashboard management of inserts.
  • Insert content relevant elements pictures, links, forms or any HTML.
  • Cross reference other related discussions.

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Version 1.1 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
This plugin adds a 'Zero Comments' link to the discussion filter box. That way a unique page is created displaying all discussions that have received no comments yet.

Zero Comments is useful to spot discussions and questions of users who are probably still waiting for an answer and would likely re-engage with your community if they receive one. Also a general feeling of "everyone is getting helped in this community" can be achieved which could lead to a better community culture.
  • See all discussions without responses with a simple click.
  • Re-engage new users who haven't recevied an answer.
  • Spot useless topics the comunity is not willing to engage with and can be deleted (link building posts, etc.).

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Version 1.1 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
Vanillaforums Open Sources links are nofollow by default. This categorical settings can hurt your community in search engines signalizing a behaviour in opposition to current web standards.

The DoFollow plugin allows you to remove all nofollow tags in your communities discussions and posts.
  • Simply removes nofollow tags.
  • Make your community fit for web standards.

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Supported Plugins


Version 2.10.0 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
YAGA (Yet Another Gamification Application) provides customizable reactions, badges, and ranks for your Vanilla forum software. Increase user activity by letting users react to content with emotions. Give users badges based on statistics and engagement in your community. Create and award custom badges for special events and recognition. Award Ranks which can confer different (configurable) permissions based on community perception and participation.

YAGA is the masterful work of long-term user hgtonight who has left the community for new projects. This fork provides was rewritten to a plugin to work with current Vanillaforums releases.
  • Strong gamification extensions to reward community engagement.
  • A working and supported version for the Vanilla OS community.

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Version 1.4 _ Vanilla 3.2+Plugin
This dashboard plugin is pretty helpful when it comes to bulk editing of users. Remove users, add/remove roles, set multiple roles, ban/unban or verify multiple users. It is designed to hook into the default user management dashboard and respects permissions.

Its another useful plugin originated by hgtonight. This fork provides updates to make the plugin work with current Vanillaforums releases.
  • Removing users (keep, wipe, and delete)
  • Banning/unbanning users
  • Adding, removing, setting roles
  • Verifying/Unverifying non-spammers

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